
Petite Me!

by - Tuesday, August 07, 2012

For a while now I have been intrigued and tempted by the gorgeous petite mesh avatars taking the grid by storm, but I resisted the urge to run out and buy one - until Tameless released their range of hair for petite avatars!

I ran to Yabusaka to grab their Mesh Fairy, and found myself in Petite Heaven! The Petite Avatar Kingdom has everything you could need to make your petite avatar, from the actual avatar to skins to hair to clothing to accessorises and beyond. This adorable little fairy comes with not just the mesh shape and a skin colour hud, but also includes the fairy dress, wings, wreath and leg ribbons from G Field. I picked up a Mynerva skin pack which includes a skin, two eye colours and a starter lipstick pack to change your avatar's lips and was back at G Field picking up a sexy little outfit for my sexy little mesh self. They even have my fav boots - Will - in miniature for the petites!!!!

But on to the reason I jumped in and went petite finally! Tameless has adapted some of their fabulous hairs for petite avatars, cos fairies can be fashionistas too! Let your inner petite out and explore a whole new world! Marketplace URL
A - Nadine
B - Elizabeth

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B - Bonnie

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B - Olivia

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B - Flower

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B - Honey

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B - Lilah

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