
The Arcade Preview 2

Thursday, February 28, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
The Arcade opens tonight at midnight. I hope you have saved up your lindens cos you will go broke fast there, believe me! Here's some more previews of the goodies you have in store for you there. Video Games hair from Truth March Makeups from Shakeup! Insect Collection from Ladies Who Lunch (inset) DJTall Soundglasses from sYs (main) Main Slice of Paradise Antlers from Glam Affair Huge Chip Stone Earrings from Glow Studio Wild Honeybee...

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Arcade Preview 1

Thursday, February 28, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
The Arcade opens for it's March cycle in just a couple of days and I'm still uber excited about it. The build is awesome and there are so many must have goodies that you will probably go a little crazy like I already have! Here's a quick preview of some of the yummies just waiting for you! Kitty Bow Peep Bands from Pididdle Luria skins from Glam Affair Nature's Crowns from Boom Gwen skins from...

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Ready for The Arcade?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
It's just days until The Arcade opens for the March round....and already I'm going ga-ga for it. Have you been checking out the preview pictures? O-M-G! I'm going broke just thinking about it!!! To get you ready, here's some info about the event and the amazing talents behind it. Be sure to look around the venue, there are lots of new and fun things to see and do. The newest decor added to the venue...

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New From Tameless

Monday, February 25, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
Tameless has some new hair out well worth checking out asap! Donna is definitely one of my favoutires. This mesh pony sweeps up off the face and hangs down over the right shoulder. Available in Naturals, Fades and Fantasy colours. Eva is a mesh style that hangs down the back and over the right shoulder. It also comes in Naturals, Fades and Fantasy colours. Ruth is a short bob style that is super cute and...

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Quick Smorgasbord!

Sunday, February 24, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
It's been a busy week, which means I have fallen behind in blogging yet again, so I have a quick catch up post full of yummies for you today! First up, some new Emo-tions. The Memory Necklace is a full mesh necklace with three chains with some cute little details. Also full mesh are the Vari Sets. With earrings and a stunning necklace in three colours, they are perfect for your role play looks or...

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Inked at Hiatus

Monday, February 18, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
I'm sharing another new store with you today - Hiatus - a super cute little tattoo store sure to become a favourite. First up is Owl, a chest tattoo on undershirt, shirt and tattoo layers so you have lots of layering options. Beauty is an old fashioned design worn on the back. It's sure to be a surprise and delight when you wear it. Also on undershirt, shirt and tattoo layers. So if tattoos are...

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Catching Up - Again!

Sunday, February 17, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
Things have been hectic lately and I have fallen behind in my blogging, but I will be making an effort to catch up asap!!! Today we're looking at goodies from Emo-tions and some new places! First up from Emo-tions is Sunburst, a stunning windswept style with a tiara across the forehead. This style is perfect for pictures as it isn't flexi, it's non-rigged mesh! Legend is a long straight style in male and female versions...

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Glam and Tableau Take on Collabor88

Monday, February 11, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
The new round of Collabor88 has started with Glam Affair and Tableau Vivant stealing the show once again with gorgeous skins, stunningly creative accessories and yummy hair! Laurel is a new skin with blonde, red and dark brows and it's simply delicious! Each new skin makes me fall in love with Glam Affair all over again! Above - makeup 04 Available in four bold, vibrant makeups, Laurel is Glam at its best! Above - makeups...

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New Hair from Tameless

Sunday, February 03, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
Quick catchup post with all the new hair out from Tameless recently! First up is a gorgeous mesh style worn with a hairbase. Venus will bring out your inner goddess and look stunning on a night out or just when you want to be a princess at home in your jeans. Indigo is a sexy tousled style that falls over one eye and then down the back.  Dressed up or down, this will look fabulous!...

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Sunday, February 03, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
The February round of FaMESHed has opened its doors and once again Glam Affair is rocking the accessories with a must have crown of roses you'll fall in love with. The Queen of Roses is a fabulous crown of roses in 8 stunning colours that will dress up any look and make it totally avant garde or haute couture. It would make an excellent headpiece for a bride too! Check it out now at FaMESHed...

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Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie

Friday, February 01, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
There's new awesomeness at Tableau Vivant this week. If you love letting your creativity out and playing with poses and props, then you need to run in now and check out the Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie props by Loulou Teichmann. Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie I is simply stunning. Just by itself its a feast for the eys, but then add in the poses and avatars and it's perfection. Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie II has a...

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