It's a hair post today with some newness from three great stores. First up Emo-tions. Allegra is a simple and elegant chignon worn with a hairbase. Wear it with your favourite gown and the new Twilight Jewellry and you will look gorgeous for any occasion. Amacci has two new releases. Estra is a stunning updo worn with a hairbase and orchids for an exotic touch. And Thea is a tied back knot with colour changing...
It's a huge Tameless catch up post today. If you love hair, then you need to check out these awesome styles now instore or on Marketplace. Be sure to demo as some are full mesh and others are partial mesh/partial flexi. ...
Emo-tions is celebrating 30,000 members in its group this weekend by having an amazing sale! If you have been holding off buying the hair you want, now is the time to get your butt in and grab all the hairs cos for this weekend only all colour packs are $99L each (excludes fatpacks). Emo-tions is celebrating 30,000 members in its group this weekend by having an amazing sale! If you have been holding off buying...
ChairsCollabor88FaMESHedfemale hairfemale skinsfurnitureGlam AffairJewellryKatyaLove Donna FloranecklaceposesskinsTableau Vivant
Everything Glam and Vivant!
Friday, August 09, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
It's now time to catch up with everything the fabulous Glam Affair and Tableau Vivant have been doing recently! These two stores really are on my list of big loves and if you haven't caught up with them at these events - RUN NOW!!! First up are the goodies you will find at Collabor88. From Tableau come the fabulous Stag and Bunny Chairs. These come with built in poses for him and her (pose used...
Emo-tions Catch Up!
Thursday, August 08, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
Things have been busy lately and I have been the worst blogger in the known universe. Millions of apologies to the stores and goodies I have been neglecting. I'm working my tail off to catch up - starting with several week's worth of awesomeness from Emo-tions! Rendevouz - gorgeous hair for the more romantic in you - releasing instore Aug 10th. Chaos Necklace - beads, feathers and leather make up a statement piece for any...