
Stunning in Blacklace and Lacuna

Wednesday, November 27, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
It's time to catch up with the newness from Blacklace this week! Lingerie is one of my many weaknesses in SL, and Blacklace has been an addiction since back in my noob days of 2008, an addiction that will never end! All poses used in the Blacklace pics are from the new female pose range from Velvet Ink. Check them out now!!! First up is the stunning Marilyn set of mesh lingerie, a collaboration between...

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Limited Edition Kendra!

Monday, November 18, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
Blacklace has released a limited edition of Kendra for this week only, and at an incredibly special price too! This gorgeous satin PJ set somes with so many options - mesh and system clothing layers, along with tango and phat azz appliers. It also comes with panties, shorts and long pants, so whatever your mood or the occasion, you have a sexy set just right for it. Be sure to snap up this sexy little...

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The Fantasy Collective Preview 1

Thursday, November 14, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
The Fantasy Collective will be opening soon full of goodies for those into role playing or who enjoy a bit of fantasy in their second lives. Here's a couple of previews to give you a taste of what's going to be waiting for you when this awesome event opens. Amazon Dress from Sakide Forest Elves Queen Dress from 22769 Elven Wood Gear from 22769 Anne Dress and Titania Headdress from The Library Twigged Hairpiece and...

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Blacklace and Rack Gacha!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
Just a quicky this morning as I race to catch up and keep up with all the amazing stuff happening around the grid. First up if this week's TGIF set from Blacklace - Lascivious in black and white! this stunning set comes with all the clothing layers you can think of and is just the thing to knoclk your SO's socks off and ensure you have a sexy night! New out in store is Phoebe...

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American Elvi at C88

Sunday, November 10, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
Glam Affair has released more Elvi skins, this time in the gorgeous America tone and you can find them at this month's round of Collabor88! You will find ten delicious makeups to choose between - or grab them all! They are just that yummy!!! There are also eight brow colours, so you are sure to find yours in there. If you haven't fallen in love with Elvi yet, now is your chance! ...

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Raunchy Rack!!

Monday, November 04, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
Rack Poses has moved, and to celebrate there are some great new poses and fabulous dollarbies to snap up. Be sure to take some time to enjoy the poses and explore the new sim, and then have fun creating your masterpieces with the awesome poses, from Rack! Do You Understand? - couples pose Sexy Love - couples pose Play It Again, Sam - dollarbie Seduction - dollarbie I'm Waiting - dollarbie (comes with handcuffs which...

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Adorable Elvi!

Friday, November 01, 2013 / BY Jordan Whitt
I really don't know how Aida does it, but I'm very glad she does! Glam Affair has just released a new skin range for those who like a younger look to their avatar - be it a child avatar or a teenager - you will love Elvi, the first release. As with all Glam releases, there is a clean, makeup free skin included (shown above) for those who want a natural look or to add...

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