Tales of Fantasy Preview!
There's so many huge events coming up in June, and one to mark your calendars for is the Tale of Fantasy event. It's going to be awesome!
Amazonia from Luas - gacha item with 8 common colour gowns, rare armour and ultra rare gown with all colour HUD.
Vestella Headband from Keystone - gacha item with 7 commons, 3 rares and 2 secrets.
Jewelled Goddess Amulet (commons) and Ray Goddess Crown (rares) gacha items from Zyn
Soul Talismans (commons) and Scarab Spirit Headpiece (rare) gacha items from Zyn
Pearls of the Muse (for Slink hands and high feet) gacha items from Tumble Twig - 9 commons for feet, 2 rares for hands and 1 ultra-rare for hands.
Pearls of the Nine Muses (for Slink hands and high feet) gacha items from Tumble Twig - 9 commons for feet, 2 rares for hands and 1 ultra-rare for hands.