
Rawr-someness from Blacklace!

by - Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Steam up your SL with some awesome new lingerie from Blacklace.  Its always sexy, sensual and sure to bring a smile to your sig other's face when you wear it for them.

Tales of Poe - this week's TGIF special.  Grab it now at a special price!

Hank Panky - a sexy vintage look you will find at the Vintage and Cool Fair

Contessa - pure rawr!  Leather harness and lace lingerie - what more could you want?

Bellios - finally a full release in the mainstore of this amazing set.  

Michelle - still at a special price...on Marketplace, so snap up this special Halloween coloured edition.

Seduce Me - another one with a full release now in store.

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