Ducknipple has some awesome new releases that you need to see, demo and add to your wardrobe! Everything includes colour change HUDs so you have lots of mixing and matching fun! Lease Bikini and Piggy BootsHair - Empty Gold from Magika. Skin - Camille from Laqroki with eye makeup from Amacci and lipstick from Glam Affair. Lease Bikini Top and Blame Skirt Hair - Empty Gold from Magika. Skin - Camille from Laqroki with eye...
CharmDead DollzEluaFaidaFallen Gods IncLaqrokiLe Fil CasseLittle BonesOleanderOliveThe EpiphanyThe Fantasy CollectiveThe Fantasy Gacha CarnivalThe ForgeTruthUber
Another Catch Up Smorgasbord
Thursday, October 29, 2015 / BY Jordan Whitt
It's time for another quick catch up post featuring some stuff I just love, and you will too! Be sure to check out the events going on right now, and get ready for some awesome ones coming soon! Jezebel's Body Chains from The Forge at Uber Hair - Ryleigh from Truth. Skin - Camille from Laqroki with makeup from Essences. Runyan Gacha from Charm - coming soon to the Fantasy Gacha Carnival Flutterbee hair from...
AtomicBellezaBesomBold and Beauty HairDE DesignsDuraGizzAGizzA CreationsIzziesKustom 9LaqrokiMagikaMoonShiny ShabbyTentacioThe Epiphany
Smorgasbord Catch Up Post!
Wednesday, October 28, 2015 / BY Jordan Whitt
So much to catch up on lately, so I'm just jumping on in and showing off some of my fav goodies from recent events and releases from some amazing stores! Abby Sweater Dress from DE Designs Rain Weather Necklace from Izzie's at The Epiphany Molly Bag with gift Coffee from Tentacio at Kustom 9 Hair - Drive from Magika. Skin - Camille from Laqroki Gia Dress from DE Designs Taylor Hair from Bold & Beauty...
ArgraceDesigner GircleFreak Show CarnivalLaqrokiLubbly JubbliesMays SoulPastel GothSupernaturalTag GachaThe ForgeWayward HalloweenWhite Widow
It's Supernatural!
Thursday, October 22, 2015 / BY Jordan Whitt
I'm still waaaay behind in my blogging, and today it's catch up with Supernatural day....with a few other awesome things thrown in. Juliet Headpiece - a gacha item you can play for at the Freak Show Gacha Carnival now! The necklace, dagger, skull goblet and candelabra are all from The Occultist Set from The Forge, out at Tag Gacha now! Hair - Urara from Argrace. Hime Stockings - super cute, you will just adore these...
AstraliaBellezaCharmDead DollzGizzA CreationsgOLambPastel GothPeqeStorybookTag GachaThe EpiphanyThe Fantasy Collective
Let's Go Eventing!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015 / BY Jordan Whitt
I'm so behind in my blogging at the moment, so its catch up time with some awesomeness from some of the incredible events going on right now. Take some time to check them out and have fun creating some sexy and fun looks with the goodies you find. Morrigan Top and Juliet Panties from Dead Dollz - not a set, but they look so good together! Skeleton inspired, this top is gorgeous and so much...
AddamsAltairBlueberryBold and Beauty HairDead DollzEpiphanyExileGachaLara HurleyReignTableau VivantThe EpiphanyThe ForgeWhite WidowZenith
An Awesome Epiphany!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / BY Jordan Whitt
If you have been trying for hours to get into the new round of The Epiphany, do not give up! The pain is going to be so worth it!! The special thing about this event is you can either decide to keep your gacha prize (click KEEP when you rez it) or you can redeem it for points (click REDEEM when you rez it). If you collect enough points you can redeem them for special...
Purrrfectly Adorable!
Sunday, October 11, 2015 / BY Jordan Whitt
Seriously adorable! That's what the Purrrfect Angel gacha from Precious Angel is and who doesn't need some adorableness in their lives? Not only are you playing for the adorable kitties, but there is also everything you need for them as well. So if you love cuteness and kittens, you need to get on in and get playing for these gorgeous additions to your Second Life now!!!! ...
New From 20.Five!
Saturday, October 10, 2015 / BY Jordan Whitt
20.Five has some super cute and sexy releases out now. The great thing about these are not only the addition of five colour choices via HUD, but the awesome price too! Make sure you check these goodies out and you will be in love with this fabulous store too! Neus Dress - this super cute dress has a HUD with five colour choices. Hair - Anouk from Truth. Skin - Faye from Belleza with PXL...
ArgraceHasteLara HurleyLittle BonesMays SoulPeqeRezologyRompThe ForgeThe GatheringUberWasabi PillsWe Love Role Play
Event Madness!
Saturday, October 10, 2015 / BY Jordan Whitt
It's another event madness post with goodies you will find out now at the events dotting the grid. From gachas to sexy harnesses, these will add some zing to your every day or your fantasy looks. Sanquin Sandals and Wrought Iron Angel Wings from The Forge - perfect for role play looks or just for a casual outfit, these sandals come in black and brown, and fits for Maitreya and Slink feet. You can snap...
White Widow Wonderfulness!
Thursday, October 08, 2015 / BY Jordan Whitt
Tattoos are gorgeous and add such a unique and special touch to your look, because no matter what your style or taste, there will be one out there for you. White Widow has to be one of my favourites for delicate and stunning tattoos, and after you check out these new releases, I know they will become one of your favourites too. Divergent Tattoo - this gorgeous tattoo for the neck and shoulders is compatible...
BellezaBelleza SkinsDE DesignsDuraGizzAGizzA CreationsLara HurleyOn9SupernaturalTableau VivantTotally Top ShelfTramTruthTruth HairWe Love Role Play
Wednesday, October 07, 2015 / BY Jordan Whitt
It's a great time to shop! There's so many events just opening, stores releasing fabulous new items and all of them well worth checking out! Cameron Hair from Tableau Vivant - love love love this style. Its short and flirty and will suit anyone! It's a must have that you will find out now at We <3 Role Play. Skin - Heidi from Lara Hurley. Knot Hair from Tableau Vivant - a great unisex style,...