ArgraceElysiumExxessFantasy GachaFDD StoriesGhost InkGlam AffairJangKaMevaMinimalQweenBSuicide GurlsThe Fantasy Gacha CarnivalTruthZibska
Pretties from The Fantasy Gacha!
The Fantasy Gacha Carnival is also full of amazing jewelry and accessories to play for, and here's a quick selection of the goodies waiting for you to come play for them! It opens tomorrow, so get ready!!!!
Myrcella Earcuff, Necklace and Flower crown from Elysium
Keely Corset from FDD Stories
Hair - Xmas 2015 from Exxess
Skin - Sia from Glam Affair
Elven Earrings, Elven Piercing and Elven Tiara from Jang'Ka
Hair - Azumi from Argrace
Skin - Sia from Glam Affair
Galaxy Earring, Galaxy Necklace, Galaxy Rings from Minimal
Hair - Momiji from Argrace
Skin - Sia from Glam Affair
Soruna Headpiece and Soruna Collar from Zibska
Skin - Sia from Glam Affair
Fire & Blood Warrior Queen Top, Shoulder Pads and Crown from Suicide Gurls
Not The Droids (arm) from QweenB
Erebus tattoo from Ghost*Ink
Hair - Vienna from Truth
Skin - Sia from Glam Affair
Desert Top, Desert Cap, Desert Scarf, Desert Bangle, Desert Upperarm Knife from Meva
Skin - Sia from Glam Affair