
Gorgeous Arcade Outfits!

Monday, March 21, 2016 / BY Jordan Whitt
There's still a few days left at The Arcade, so if you haven't been yet, there's still time!  And still amazing stuff to play for.  Here's a couple of outfits and accessories sure to get you in the mood to try your luck at the gachas! Vintage Romance Set from Enfant Terrible Hair - Sarah from Analog Dog Skin - Pearl from Lara Hurley Laurette Headwear and Heels from Azoury Hair - Oscar Braid from...

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New from DE and GizzA

Sunday, March 20, 2016 / BY Jordan Whitt
Just a quick post tonight showcasing new releases from two awesome stores - DE Designs and GizzA Creations.  Be sure you check these out as your SLife needs them! Cortney Dress from DE Designs Hair - Lapis from Elua Skin - Claudia from Belleza Rhea Pants from DE Designs at Mesh Body Addicts Hair - Noah from Elua Skin - Claudia from Belleza Babydoll Dress from GizzA Creations Hair - Tricia from Elua Claudia from...

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New Gorgeousness at Hairology!

Thursday, March 10, 2016 / BY Jordan Whitt
Hairology opened its doors for a brand new round last night and if you are as into hair as I am....you NEED to check this super event out.  Here are a few of the amazing styles just waiting to join your hair wardrobe!  The skin is a gorgeous new addition from Lara Hurley and can be found (along with the amazing White Widow tattoos) at The Skin Fair, which opens later tonight.  And rejoice non-mesh...

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Glamming It with DE and White Widow!

Wednesday, March 09, 2016 / BY Jordan Whitt
DE Designs has released some gorgeous stuff lately and they are well worth checking out, especially the uber sexy Revolution dress.  And if you are hanging out for the Skin Fair, then make sure you have White Widow on your hit list of stores to visit, cos the three new tattoo releases for this event are epic!!! Revolution Dress from DE Designs Blackmail Tattoo from White Widow - coming to Skin Fair 11th March Hair...

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Julia from Adam n Eve!

Tuesday, March 08, 2016 / BY Jordan Whitt
The Skin Fair is just days away, and if you are like me and don't wear a mesh head, never fear - there is at least one skin there for you! Meet Julia from Adam n Eve.  This gorgeous skin comes in six skin tones and five brow options, as well as a few other little extras like freckles, and cleavage.  There are also appliers for your mesh bodies so you can match it up...

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Gorgeous Event Goodies!

Sunday, March 06, 2016 / BY Jordan Whitt
Just throwing out a couple of artsy pics featuring goodies form some fabulous events.  Be sure you check these out and enjoy creating your own pictures or looks with them! Antoinette Gown and Antoinette Hair from !g0! at We <3 Role Play Happy End Park Merry Go Round Gazebo from Anc Ltd at The Arcade Skin - Camille from Laqroki with eye makeup from Glam Affair Conjuring Tattoo from White Widow at We <3 Role...

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20.Five and Ducknipple Rock It Out!

Saturday, March 05, 2016 / BY Jordan Whitt
Ducknipple and 20.Five have released some super cute, fun outfits sure to delight you!  They all include colour HUDs so you can change up your look and mix and match to your heart's content. Cliff Dress from Ducknipple Hair - 74 from DP Yumyum Skin - Amelia from Belleza Match Set from Ducknipple Hair - 74 from DP Yumyum Skin - Amelia from Belleza Classroom Set from Ducknipple Hair - 74 from DP Yumyum Skin...

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Arcade Hair 3

Tuesday, March 01, 2016 / BY Jordan Whitt
Here comes the final hair preview from The Arcade for this round.  The hairs are just so fabulous this round that you really need to snap them up and love them as much as I do! The Glitter Hair from Olive The Glitter Face Jewels from Olive Seven from Drot Eye Mask for Sleeping with Hair from Ink Colored Pencil with Shortcut from Ink Fluttering Hair with Books from Ink ...

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Arcade Hair 2

Tuesday, March 01, 2016 / BY Jordan Whitt
The Arcade opened its doors tonight and the gacha mayhem has begun!  Here are a couple more hair previews to get all the hair addicts excited....cos who doesn't love gorgeous hair??  Skin - Heidi from Lara Hurley. Wink from Exile Blink from Exile Last Smoke from Spellbound Phoenix from Spellbound Wolves from Spellbound ...

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