AislingArgraceAriskeaAstraliaEpiphanyEpiphany GachaGlam AffairQuixoticaSalt and PepperThe EpiphanyThe Gacha Garden
Gimme Gacha Goodies!
Wearing - Cyberized from Salt & Pepper (The Gacha Garden)
Hair - Iroha from Argrace
Skin - Milu from Glam Affair (The Gacha Garden)
Petals - Ground Petals from Aisling
Pentagram - Petals Pentagram from Astralia (The Epiphany)
Candles - Black Magic Candles from Ariskea (The Epiphany)
Skulls - The Black Skull from Ariskea (The Epiphany)
Pose - Fantasy 8 from Quixotica