Dress - Aura Dress from United Colors (BishBox Exclusive) Bracelet - Venus Bracelet from RealEvil Industries Hair - Suzi from Mina (coming soon to Fameshed) Skin - Callie Applier from Belleza ...
EpiphanyEpiphany GachaEssenzGlam AffairGlam Affair ApplierMoon ElixirTableau VivantThe EpiphanyUberUnited ColorsZenith
Hitting the Hamptons!
Thursday, April 27, 2017 / BY Jordan Whitt
Top - Taka Top from United Colors (Uber) Pants - Taka Pants from United Colors (Uber) Hat - Coven Hat from Moon Elixir Bag - Rattan Bag with Scarf from Zenith Shoes - Jakarta from Essenz Hair - Spring Curls from Tableau Vivant Skin - Ellen Applier and Lipstick from Glam Affair (The Epiphany) Top - Taka Top from United Colors (Uber) Pants - Taka Pants from United Colors (Uber) Hat - Coven Hat from...
C88Collabor88EpiphanyEpiphany GachaExileGlam AffairGlam Affair ApplierLeagueLeague AppliersMinimalQ PosesRealEvil IndustriesThe EpiphanyThe Pose Fair
Getting Real Evil!
Wednesday, April 19, 2017 / BY Jordan Whitt
Left Wearing - Katia Top, Pants and Arm Warmers from RealEvil Industries (The Epiphany) Hair - Gina from Exile Skin - Elle Applier from League Right Wearing - Katia Body, Bracelets, Sandals and Mask from RealEvil Industries (The Epiphany) Hair - Gina from Exile Skin - Danni Applier from Glam Affair (Collabor88) Pose - Never Ending Night from Q Poses (The Pose Fair) Backdrop - Illusion II from Minimal (The Epiphany) ...
anyBODYBellezaBelleza AppliersC88Carol GCollabor88GizzAGizzA CreationsLyriumRealEvil IndustriesTableau VivantThe Liaison Collaborative
Beach Beauty with GizzA!
Tuesday, April 18, 2017 / BY Jordan Whitt
Cuff - MoonLight Arm Cuff from RealEvil Industries Tattoo - Rose Breast from Carol G (anyBody) Hair - Fae from Tableau Vivant (Collabor88) Skin - Jordan Applier from Belleza Makeup - Jordan Makeup from Belleza (The Liaison Collaborative) Pose - Model Pose from Lyrium ...
AbsenceC88Collabor88GizzAGizzA CreationsGlam AffairGlam Affair ApplierLyriumMaitreyaRealEvil IndustriesSeulStealthicStealthic HairThe EpiphanyTres ChicUnited Colors
Spring Chic!
Monday, April 17, 2017 / BY Jordan Whitt
Top - Spring Breeze Blouse from United Colors (Tres Chic) Jeans - Zipper Skinny Jeans from Maitreya Bag - Gathered Tote Bag from GizzA Creations Jewelry - Avva Bracelet and Earrings from RealEvil Industries Tattoo - Rose Sleeve from Absence Hair - Reprise from Stealthic (Tres Chic) Skin - Danni Applier from Glam Affair (Collabor88) Pose - Talk to the Hand from Lyrium Backdrop - Storefront Noir from Seul (The Epiphany) ...
Bauhaus MovementBellezaBelleza AppliersEpiphanyEpiphany GachaMinimalRealEvil IndustriesThe Black FairThe EpiphanyThe Liaison CollaborativeWasabi PillsYasum
Dance Hall Days!
Sunday, April 16, 2017 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Dance Hall from Yasum (The Epiphany) Watch - Alice Watch from RealEvil Industries Hair - Blossom 2 from Wasabi Pills (The Epiphany) Skin - Callie Applier from Belleza Makeup - Callie Makeups from Belleza (The Black Fair) Pose - Music To Piss You Off from Bauhaus Movement (The Liaison Collaborative) Backdrop - Illusion II Backdrop from Minimal (The Epiphany) ...
Caged Nymph!
Sunday, April 16, 2017 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Forest Nymph from Moon Elixir (The Epiphany) Hair - Inkie Windy Ponytail from Mina (The Epiphany) Skin - Amira Applier from Glam Affair Makeup - Amira Eye Makeup and Lipstick from Glam Affair Pose - The Cage from Artis (The Pose Fair) Wearing - Forest Nymph from Moon Elixir (The Epiphany) Hair - Inkie Windy Ponytail from Mina (The Epiphany) Skin - Amira Applier from Glam Affair Makeup - Amira Eye Makeup and...
Will Not Be Forsaken!
Saturday, April 15, 2017 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Forsaken Set from Reign (coming to The Epiphany) Hair - Filia from Elua (coming to The Epiphany) Skin - Ellen Applier from Glam Affair (coming to The Epiphany) Makeup - Ellen Eye Makeup and Lipstick from Glam Affair (coming to The Epiphany) Pose - Subtle 2 from NRage (The Pose Fair) Wearing - Forsaken Set from Reign (coming to The Epiphany) Hair - Filia from Elua (coming to The Epiphany) Skin - Ellen...
BloomEpiphanyEpiphany GachaGlam AffairGlam Affair ApplierJianL EtreNRageTableau VivantThe EpiphanyThe Pose Fair
Events are Blooming!
Saturday, April 15, 2017 / BY Jordan Whitt
Hair - Spring Curls 6 with Hibiscus from Tableau Vivant (Bloom) Hairbase - Kim from L'Etre Skin - Ellen Applier from Glam Affair (coming to The Epiphany) Makeup - Ellen Eye Makeup and Lipstick from Glam Affair (coming to The Epiphany) Dog - Splendid Spaniel from Jian (coming to The Epiphany) Pose - Subtle from NRage (The Pose Fair) ...
Gorgeous Jordan...Makeups!
Sunday, April 09, 2017 / BY Jordan Whitt
Jewelry - Life Circle Necklace and Earrings from Avenge (The Black Fair) Hair - Dagny from Mina (coming to Hairology on April 10th) Skin - Jordan Applier from Belleza Makeup - Jordan Makeups from Belleza (The Liaison Collaborative) Jewelry - Life Circle Necklace and Earrings from Avenge (The Black Fair) Hair - Dagny from Mina (coming to Hairology on April 10th) Skin - Jordan Applier from Belleza Makeup - Jordan Makeups from Belleza (The Liaison...
BellezaBelleza AppliersBlack FairFaMESHedMisha JesuilR2 FashionRealEvil IndustriesThe Chapter FourWasabi PillsWe Love Role PlayWhite Widow
Ready to Play?
Wednesday, April 05, 2017 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Kaede from R2 Fashions Tattoo - Fury from White Widow (We Love Role Play) Rings/Nails - Elektra Nails & Rings from RealEvil Industries (FaMESHed) Piercing - Belly Chandelier Angel from Misha Jesuil Hair - Shizuko Style 2 from Wasabi Pills (The Chapter Four) Skin - Callie Applier from Belleza Makeup - Callie Makeup from Belleza (coming soon to Black Fair) Wearing - Kaede from R2 Fashions Tattoo - Fury from White Widow (We Love...
New Corset from DE!
Tuesday, April 04, 2017 / BY Jordan Whitt
Top - Isis Corset from DE Designs (We Love Role Play) Pants - Ellie Pants from DE Designs Choker - Grazia Choker from RealEvil Industries Bracelets - Venus Bracelets from RealEvil Industries Hair - Yennie from Monso Skin - Amira Applier from Glam Affair (Lootbox) Top - Isis Corset from DE Designs (We Love Role Play) Pants - Ellie Pants from DE Designs Choker - Grazia Choker from RealEvil Industries Bracelets - Venus Bracelets from...