
Almost Time To Get Kinky!

by - Thursday, September 28, 2017

Wearing - Sesilia Top and Skirt from JF Design (coming to Kink(y) Event)
Gloves - Juno Gloves from Masoom (Lootbox)
Choker - Selina Choker from Noir (coming to Kink(y) Event)
Earrings - Hoop Earrings from Izzie's
Piercing - Dolce Belly Ring from RealEvil Industries
Tattoo - Daughter of Gaia from K-tarsis
Hair - Paradox from Stealthic
Bangs - Kimberley from Doux (The Darkness Event)
Skin - Ella Applier from League
Eye Makeup - Haute Falutin Liner from Shiny Stuffs
Lipstick - Juicy Lipstick from Identity
Pose - On Point from Foxcity (SaNaRae)
Backdrop - Confliction from Isuka

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