Amara BeautyBauhaus MovementCodexGizzAGizzA CreationsHairologyIzziesKinky EventLeagueRealEvil IndustriesThe Liaison CollaborativeTukinowagumaWetcat
I Couldn't Help It...
Wearing - Sade Strapped Set from GizzA Creations (Kink(y) Event)
Choker - Starlight Choker from Codex
Rings - Elektra Nails and Rings from RealEvil Industries
Earrings - Hoop Earrings from Izzie's
Hair - Viozzi from Tukinowaguma (coming to Hairology)
Skin - Ella Applier from League
Lipstick - Jewel Lipstick from Amara Beauty
Pose - Digital Alchemy from Bauhaus Movement (The Liaison Collaborative)
Backdrop - Backdrop Scene #1 from Wetcat