DisorderlyGiz SeornInsolIzziesKaithleensLeagueLeague AppliersLyriumRealEvil IndustriesSerenity StyleTableau VivantThe EpiphanyTres Chic
Can't Think of a Title and It's 3am!
Dress - Chrissy Dress from Giz Seorn (Tres Chic)
Purse - Monroe Clutch from RealEvil Industries
Choker - Simple Leather Collar from Kaithleens
Hair - Side Pony from Tableau Vivant
Hairbase - Daisy Hairbase from Insol
Skin - Ella Applier from League
Lipstick - All The Colours Matt Lipstick from Izzie's
Roses - Domestic Roses Potted from Disorderly (The Epiphany)
Pose - Bento Closeup 3 from Lyrium
Backdrop - ChoiBoi The Silent Backdrop from Serenity Style