Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble...
Wearing - La Calavera Bustier, Corset, Collar and Gloves from Dead Dollz (The Arcade)
Boots - Meliah Boots from Reign
Rings - Mezarah Rings from Voluptus Virtualis
Hair - Cense from Tableau Vivant (The Arcade)
Skin - Ella Applier from League
Lipstick - Black Lipstick (gift) from Izzie's
Pose - Possession Pose from Hera (Cosmopolitan)
Cats - Nope-icorns from Hextraordinary (The Arcade)
Cauldron - Bubbly Cauldron from Moss&Mink
Backdrop - Arachnophobia from Gypsy Heart & Lagom