Top - Farah Top from Salt & PepperChoker - Daisy Choker from Hive DustEarrings - Amber Earrings from RawrHair - Sasha Addon w/ EvoX Hairbase 12 from Tableau Vivant (Kinky Event)Skin - Lilith Applier from Glam AffairPose - Stand Point from Del May Poses ...
Redheads Are Never Forgotten...
Friday, May 28, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Top - Donna Top from RicielliHair - I1126b from TramSkin - Darcy Applier from Belleza (Fifty Linden Fridays)Eyes - Apex Eyes from IkonEars - Shiny Ears from SwallowPose - Bondage from Amitie ...
Life Is Short...Heels Shouldn't Be...
Wednesday, May 26, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Heels - Finola Pumps Croc from Nardcotix (Dubai Event)Pose - Affection from DiversionBackdrop - Tire Woman Backdrop from BellePoses Heels - Finola Pumps Croc from Nardcotix (Dubai Event)Pose - Affection from DiversionBackdrop - Tire Woman Backdrop from BellePoses ...
Life Is Better In A Bikini...
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Casey Spring Kini from Kartel Originals (The Liaison Collaborative)Earrings - Foxy Earrings from RawrPiercing - Belly Gem from EarthStonesHair - Alizeh Addon w/ EvoX Hairbase 11 from Tableau Vivant (Uber)Skin - Josie Applier from Amara Beauty (50% off)Pose - Summer Adventures from Focus Poses ...
There Never Was A Saint With Red Hair...
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Top - Farah Top from Salt & PepperEarrings - Hoop Earrings from Izzie'sBindi - Fleur Bindi from RawrHair - Holly from Mina (Uber)Skin - Christy Applier from Lara HurleyPose - Bamboo from AmitieBackdrop - May Group Gift 2021 from Minimal ...
Bikini - Zola Bikini from Salt & Pepper (coming to Uber)Top - Zola Top from Salt & Pepper (coming to Uber)Earrings - Hoop Earrings from Izzie'sSand - Body and Face Beach Sand from Izzie'sHair - Kase from DouxSkin - Ella Applier from LeaguePose - Share a Dope Cola from Focus Poses Bikini - Zola Bikini from Salt & Pepper (coming to Uber)Top - Zola Top from Salt & Pepper (coming to Uber)Earrings - Hoop Earrings...
Classy And Sassy...But Never Trashy...
Sunday, May 23, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Chiyoko Bodysuit from CryBunBun (The Inithium Event)Jewelry - Foxy Choker & Earrings from RawrNails - Anke Nails from Formanails (The Inithium Event)Hair - Aluna from DouxSkin - Lilith Applier from Glam AffairMakeup - Callie Eyeshadow & Lipstick from Amara BeautyPose - Naomi Breathing from LyriumBackdrop - Bad Habits Photo Booth from FoxCity Wearing - Chiyoko Bodysuit from CryBunBun (The Inithium Event)Jewelry - Foxy Choker & Earrings from RawrNails - Anke Nails from Formanails...
No Title...Just Vibes...
Friday, May 21, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Arabella Dress from Le Fil Casse (Uber)Armband - Bad Kitty Armband from RealEvil IndustriesEarrings - Isla Earrings from NanikaRings - Loretta Rings (right) & Silene Rings (left) from KunglersHair - Relentless from ExileSkin - Ella Applier from LeagueMakeup - Impressionist Makeup from AlaskaMetroPose - Capisch? from Nantra (Shiny Shabby)Backdrop - Illuminate Backdrop from Minimal Wearing - Arabella Dress from Le Fil Casse (Uber)Armband - Bad Kitty Armband from RealEvil IndustriesEarrings - Isla Earrings...
DouxDubai EventFaidaGlam AffairInithiumNantraPity PartyRarerRealEvil IndustriesSynnergyThe Inithium EventThe Liaison Collaborative
Reality Called...So I Hung Up...
Thursday, May 20, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Puddle from Faida (The Inithium Event)Bracelet - Haya Bracelet from RealEvil IndustriesEarrings - Leaf Earrings from RealEvil IndustriesHair - Ara from Doux (Dubai Event)Skin - Rain Applier from Glam AffairEye Makeup - Dreamy Eyeshadow from RarerLipstick - Spring Fae Lipstick from Pity PartyBody - Kupra Kups from InithiumPose - Sassy from Nantra (The Liaison Collaborative)Backdrop - Basic Room Backdrop from Synnergy (The Liaison Collaborative) Wearing - Puddle from Faida (The Inithium Event)Bracelet -...
Life Is Better When You Sing...
Thursday, May 20, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Camilia Outfit from United Colors (Kustom9)Earrings - Elma Earrings from KunglersRing - Macy Ring from KunglersHair - Buttercup from Tableau VivantSkin - Ella Applier from LeagueMakeup - New Wave Makeup from AlaskaMetroPose - Idols from PoseidonBackdrop - K-Pop Star 2 Hush from FoxCity Wearing - Camilia Outfit from United Colors (Kustom9)Earrings - Elma Earrings from KunglersRing - Macy Ring from KunglersHair - Buttercup from Tableau VivantSkin - Ella Applier from LeagueMakeup - New...
Rooftop...Late Night...Headphones...Mood Light...
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Top - Group Gift 20 Top from ErraticPants - Ryud Pants from Memoire (Access)Gloves - Livia Gloves from RealEvil IndustriesHeadphones - The Rockstar Headphones from BondiTattoo - Rose Sleeve from AbsenceHair - Summer Day from DouxSkin - Ella Applier from LeagueEye Makeup - Autumn Eyeshadow from L'EtreLipstick - Venus Lipstick from IdentityPose - Kill This Love from FoxCityBackdrop - London Rooftop Scene from Minimal ...
Happiness Is Ice Cream On The Beach...
Tuesday, May 18, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Ines Dress from Ecru Couture (The Liaison Collaborative)Panties - Influencer Lingerie Panties from AlaskaMetroEarrings - Hoop Earrings from Izzie'sHair - No Fanatic from No Match (The Liaison Collaborative)Skin - Ella Applier from LeagueMakeup - Noelle Makeup from AlaskaMetroPose - I Love My Ice Cream from Luane's World (The Liaison Collaborative) Wearing - Ines Dress from Ecru Couture (The Liaison Collaborative)Panties - Influencer Lingerie Panties from AlaskaMetroEarrings - Hoop Earrings from Izzie'sHair - No...
Access EventAmara BeautyCosmopolitanDel May PosesGlam AffairK&S PosesKunglersPoison RougeTableau VivantUnited Colors
She's The Devil's Favourite...
Tuesday, May 18, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Top - Alina Top from United ColorsSkirt - Alina Skirt from United Colors (Access Event)Jewelry - Kara Set from Kunglers (Cosmopolitan)Hair - Windy Ponytail Addon w/ LeLutka EvoX Hairbase 04 from Tableau VivantHeaddress - I Am Your Angel from Poison RougeSkin - Rain Applier from Glam AffairEye Makeup - EvoX Smokey Makeup from Glam AffairLipstick - Callie Lipstick from Amara Beauty (Cosmopolitan gift)Pose - Obviously from Del MayBackdrop - Knockin' On Heaven's Door Backdrop from K&S Poses ...
Feed Me And Tell Me I'm Pretty...
Monday, May 17, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Top - Elnora Top from SenihaRing - Macy Ring from KunglersEarrings - Earrings H02 from Swallow (Kustom9)Hair - Gigi Updo w/ EvoX Hairbase 10 from Tableau Vivant (Kustom9)Skin - Rain from Glam AffairBrows - VIP 12 Brows from Glam Affair (Access)Eye Makeup - Dreamy Eyeshadow from RarerEyes - Babylon Eyes from IkonPose - Tabouret from PiXitBackdrop - Natural Nude Backdrop from Minimal Top - Elnora Top from SenihaRing - Macy Ring from KunglersEarrings - Earrings...
Bombs Away...
Sunday, May 16, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Tyra Swimsuit from Hilly Haalan (coming to The Inithium Event)Hair - Bise from Tableau VivantSkin - Lilith Applier from Glam AffairPose - Pose Set 5 from Dominant Wearing - Tyra Swimsuit from Hilly Haalan (coming to The Inithium Event)Hair - Bise from Tableau VivantSkin - Lilith Applier from Glam AffairPose - Pose Set 5 from Dominant ...
AgnesChainDouxGlam AffairKustom9LeLutkaMandalaMinimalMulier x 1992Sassy Sweet PosesThe Inithium Event
Saturday Is For Shopping...
Saturday, May 15, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Top - Cotton Mini Tank from Agnes (coming to The Inithium Event)Skirt - High Waist Skirt from Agnes (coming to The Inithium Event)Necklace - Alsou Choker from ChainBracelet - Sankara Bracelet from MandalaBag - Obsidian Bag from Mulier x 1992Hair - Ryancita from Doux (Kustom9)Skin - Lilith Applier from Glam AffairEye Makeup - EvoX Smoky Makeup from Glam AffairLipstick - EvoX Lipstick from LeLutkaPose - Sassy Me from Sassy Sweet Poses (coming to The Inithium...
Daddy's Little Brat...
Thursday, May 13, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Dana Bodysuit from Lybra (Itty Bitty Titty Committee)Blindfold - Blindfold Plain from ShiTattoo - Yes, Daddy Tattoo from OxydateEarrings - Hoop Earrings from Izzie'sHair - December from Magika w/ Stella Bangs from DouxSkin - Ella Applier from LeaguePose - Bondage (includes cuffs) from AmitieBackdrop - Daddy Choke Me (Sexual Appetite set) from The Bearded Guy ...
Short Hair, Don't Care...
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Carly Dress from Le Fil Casse (FaMESHed)Necklace - Mya Necklace from KunglersRing - Macy Ring from Kunglers (group gift)Hair - K0425 from Tram (Collabor88)Skin - Ella Applier from LeagueLipstick - Venus Lipstick from IdentityPose - Bamboo from AmitieBackdrop - Editorial Series I Photo Booth from FoxCity Wearing - Carly Dress from Le Fil Casse (FaMESHed)Necklace - Mya Necklace from KunglersRing - Macy Ring from Kunglers (group gift)Hair - K0425 from Tram (Collabor88)Skin -...
AlaskaMetroAmitieDouxEqual10IBTCItty Bitty Titty CommitteeKunglersLeagueMilaPanda SquadRealEvil Industries
Take A Break And Enjoy The View...
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Dress - Ana Latex Dress from Panda Squad (Itty Bitty Titty Committee)Necklace - Aleena Necklace from RealEvil IndustriesEarrings - Macy Set from Kunglers (group gift)Hair - Dana from Doux (Equal10)Skin - Ella Applier from LeagueEye Makeup - 1970s Makeup from MilaLipstick - #OnFleek Makeup from AlaskaMetroPose - Bellagio from Amitie (Equal10)Balcony - Bellagio Promenade from Amitie (Equal10) Dress - Ana Latex Dress from Panda Squad (Itty Bitty Titty Committee)Necklace - Aleena Necklace from RealEvil IndustriesEarrings - Macy...
When In Doubt Paddle Out...
Monday, May 10, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wetsuit - Jada Wetsuit from Salt & Pepper (Equal10)Hair - Mishi from DouxSkin - Ella Applier from LeaguePose - Mundaka from AmitieBackdrop - Lighthouse from K&S Poses Wetsuit - Jada Wetsuit from Salt & Pepper (Equal10)Hair - Mishi from DouxSkin - Ella Applier from LeaguePose - Mundaka from AmitieBackdrop - Lighthouse from K&S Poses ...
Off Duty Mermaid...
Sunday, May 09, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Daisy Bikini from Nardcotix (Itty Bitty Titty Committee)Sunscreen - Body Sunscreen from Izzie'sEarrings - Hoop Earrings from Izzie'sHair - Cotton Candy from Tableau VivantSkin - Ella Applier from LeaguePose - Pool Ladder from Focus PosesBackdrop - Tropical Pool from Astralia Wearing - Daisy Bikini from Nardcotix (Itty Bitty Titty Committee)Sunscreen - Body Sunscreen from Izzie'sEarrings - Hoop Earrings from Izzie'sHair - Cotton Candy from Tableau VivantSkin - Ella Applier from LeaguePose - Pool...
Life Is A Journey...
Saturday, May 08, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Top - Joyce Cami Top from Honey Soul (coming to Itty Bitty Titty Committee)Jeans - Vintage Jeans from MaitreyaHair - Lind w/ LeLutka EvoX Hairbase 09 from Tableau Vivant (Collabor88)Skin - Lilith Applier from Glam AffairPose - Fast And Curious (includes scooter) from DTL Top - Joyce Cami Top from Honey Soul (coming to Itty Bitty Titty Committee)Jeans - Vintage Jeans from MaitreyaHair - Lind w/ LeLutka EvoX Hairbase 09 from Tableau Vivant (Collabor88)Skin -...
Dancing In Heels Should Count As A Superpower...
Saturday, May 08, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
BothWearing - Angel from Salt & Pepper (Collabor88)Tiara - Helene Tiara from AddamsHair - Soiree from TruthPose - Influencer from FoxCityBackdrop - Starstruck Photo Booth from FoxCityBrunetteSkin - Ella Applier from LeagueMakeup - Pumpkin Spice Makeup from AlaskaMetroBlonde Skin - Sadie Applier from LeagueMakeup - Summer Beauty Book from AlaskaMetro ...
AlaskaMetroAmarelo MangaDouxDP YumYumEleiFoxCityIBTCItty Bitty Titty CommitteeK&S PosesLeagueNeveRealEvil IndustriesViva Kids
I'm Not A Regular Mom...I'm A Cool Mom!
Friday, May 07, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
MumTop - Memory Top from Neve (coming to Itty Bitty Titty Committee)Pants - Plan Pants from Neve (coming to Itty Bitty Titty Committee)Bag - Lily Handbag from EleiNecklace - Aleena Necklace from RealEvil IndustriesGlasses - Avenue Sunglasses from Amarelo Manga Hair - Peach from DouxSkin - Ella Applier from LeagueMakeup - Daytime Makeup from AlaskaMetroChildWearing - Cassie Set (includes sandals) from Viva KidsHair - Jan 2019 FLF from DP YumYumPose - Mommy And I from FoxcityBackdrop...
AlaskaMetroAmiasAmitieAmitie PosesCosmopolitanExileExile HairFaMESHedLeagueMinimalRealEvil Industries
I'm Helping The Economy!
Tuesday, May 04, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Dress - Maija Dress from Amias (Cosmopolitan)Necklace - Zorah Necklace from RealEvil IndustriesBracelet - Insieme Bracelet from RealEvil IndustriesHair - Simone from Exile (FaMESHed)Skin - Ella Applier from LeagueMakeup - Summer Beauty Book from AlaskaMetroPose - Shopping Day V2 from AmitieBackdrop - Kunstmuseen Graffiti Corner from Minimal ...
When All Else Fails, Take A Day Off...
Monday, May 03, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Wearing - Kyoko Top & Skirt from Le Fil Casse (Ota-Con)Tote - Flor Beach Tote from HiveJewelry - Adna Set from Kunglers (FaMESHed)Hair - Harmony from Stealthic (Anthem)Skin - Ella Applier from LeagueMakeup - Spring Beauty Book from AlaskaMetroPose - Shades (includes glasses) from WetCat Wearing - Kyoko Top & Skirt from Le Fil Casse (Ota-Con)Tote - Flor Beach Tote from HiveJewelry - Adna Set from Kunglers (FaMESHed)Hair - Harmony from Stealthic (Anthem)Skin - Ella...
AmiasCarol GDouxEarthstonesFaMESHedIdentityIzziesLeagueLevel EventMonCheriPaletoPiXitUnited ColorsZoz
So Apparently I'm Dramatic...
Sunday, May 02, 2021 / BY Jordan Whitt
Skirt - Daisy Skirt from United Colors (FaMESHed)Gloves - Clem Gloves from AmiasNecklace - Dangle Layering Necklace from MonCheriEarrings - Hoop Earrings from Izzie'sPiercing - Belly Gem from EarthStonesTattoo - Kitten Tattoo from Carol GHair - Tisianna from Doux (Level Event)Skin - Ella Applier from LeagueLipstick - Venus Lipstick from IdentityNail Polish - Solid Lust Polish from ZozPose - Fumer Walk&Wall from PiXitBackdrop - Zone 658 Backdrop from Paleto Skirt - Daisy Skirt from United...