
If You Want The Rose, Respect The Thorns...

by - Sunday, September 26, 2021

Top - Ruffle Corset from Molichino (Itty Bitty Titty Committee)
Pants - Luxe Suede Pants from Ison
Earrings - Lala Earrings from Rawr
Rings - Silene Rings from Kunglers
Tattoo - Paris Tattoo from Juna Artistic Tattoo (The Liaison Collaborative)
Hair - Kit from Tableau Vivant (Uber)
Skin - Lilith Applier from Glam Affair
Eye Makeup - Natural Eyeshadow from Izzie's
Lipstick - Matte Lipstick from Izzie's (The Liaison Collaborative)
Pose - Life on the Roof from Amitie (Uber)
Backdrop - Life on the Roof from Amitie (Uber)


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