AlaskaMetroAlbaAmitieAstraliaDollholicLe Fil CasseOnyxPiXitReborn EventS CLubSigmaThe SkinneryWarPaint
The Only Rule Is Don't Be Boring And Dress Cute...
Necklace - Wire Stone Necklace from Sigma
Ring - Scorpion Ring from Astralia
Hair - Audrey from S-Club
Skin - Jeanne from The Skinnery
Eye Makeup (top) - Dreams Eyeliner from Alba
Eye Makeup (bottom) - Solstice Eyeliner from WarPaint
Lipstick - Paintbox Suedes from AlaskaMetro
Tattoo - Miss You Tattoo from Onyx
Pose - Feidina from PiXit (coming to Reborn Event on the 22nd)
Backdrop - Dream Of A Summer Evening Backdrop from Amitie