Chu-ingFoxCitygiftGoreGlamHappy WeekendMilaPiXitPure PoisonSecretsShop & HopSigmaThe Saturday SaleThe SkinneryTruthUnited Colors
These Are The Golden Days...
Dress - Valentina Dress from United Colors (SL Bday Shop & Hop gift)Clutch - Persia Clutch from Pure PoisonEarrings - Maeve Hoops from SigmaArmband - Ornate Armband from SigmaRings - Ornate Hand Rings from SigmaPiercing - Liz Piercing from SecretsHair - Guilty from Truth (The Saturday Sale)Hair Clips - Feel Special Hairpins from Chu-ing*Skin - Keiba from The SkinneryEye Makeup - Miracle Eyeshadow from GoreGlam (Happy Weekend)Lipstick - Boost Baby Lipstick from MilaPose - Cute...