12 Days of ChristmasAlaskaMetroAmitieFaMESHedFoxCityISONL'EtreLuovaMaitreyaMinaNeighbor NewbieRealEvil IndustriesSynnergy TavisThe SkinneryYummy
Tis The Season To Be Freezing...
Top - Natalya Turtleneck Sweater from Ison
Pants - Vintage Jeans from Maitreya
Ring (right index) - Justine Ring from Yummy
Ring (right ring) - You Complete Me Ring from RealEvil Industries
Ring (left) - Claddagh Ring from Luova
Hair - Evelina (includes hat & scarf) from Mina (FaMESHed)
Skin - Neve from The Skinnery (12 Days of Xmas gift)
Tattoos - Finger Tattoo No.1026 from Neighbor Newbie
Eye Makeup - Christmas Eyeshadow from L'Etre (12 Days of Xmas gift)
Lipstick - Paintbox Suedes Lipstick from AlaskaMetro
Pose - Boho Hat from Amitie*
Accessories - On The Go Holdables from Synnergy Tavis
Backdrop (build) - Old Station Photo Booth from FoxCity
Backdrop (texture) grabbed from Google Images
* arms moved by props