Belleza FeetEnchantmentFantasy GachaGachaGizzAGizzA CreationsMeshmesh clothingmesh hairNardcotixPeqeshoesSlink feetTableau VivantThe Mesh Project Feet
A Smorgasbord of Goodies!
Today I have a couple of previews of some great goodies from Tableau Vivant and Peqe that are coming soon to come awesome events, as well as the newest shoe release from Nardcotix and a stunning gown from GizzA Creations. Rumple Dreads with the Rumple Horns from Tableau Vivant @ Enchantment (coming soon) Milly hair from Tableau Vivant - Enchantment prize when you collect 20 stamps! Dark Glamour from GizzA Creations - available Instore and on...