Legendary Lilith!
In mythology, Lilith was the first wife of Adam who was thrown out of Eden for refusing to submit to his authority, rumour has it by lying beneath him during sexytimes - and who can blame a girl for that!!! Glam Affair has released a new skin range named after this temptress of legend and it's every bit as seductive and mesmerising as the lady it is named after. If you are in the Update Group, look in the group notices for this stunning Lilith skin gift! (Hair from Wasabi Pills, Collar from Kooqla)
Like the previous release, Lilith continues with the six new tones - Arctic (1 & 2), Europa (3 & 4) and America (5 & 6) are shown above...
...and comes in 12 stunning makeups sure to dazzle any look! Jaimaica (7 & 8), India (9 & 10) and Africa (11 & 12) are shown above.
There is also a clean makeup-less skin included, as well as 6 lipstick layers. (Hair from Wasabi Pills)