
Emo-tionally Tameless

by - Friday, January 04, 2013

It's hair post time and I'm going to start off by wishing Mirja Mills and Emo-tions a very HAPPY B-DAY!!!! Emo-tions is celebrating it's 5th Birthday and you are getting all the goodies - all hair fatpacks and all clothing is 50% off for a limited time - at the Mainstore only. So if you have had your eye on something, it's time to go grab it!!!

Angel is a curly style swept up from the back and falling down one side of the head. There are two versions in the pack, one with a bit more curl and one with a bit less. I completely forgot to show the pearl add-on that also comes with this style, but it is gorgeous and adds a touch of glam to this stunning style, as does the comb holding up the hair at the back - so check it out!

Winter Night is a style worn with a hairbase and studded with diamond icicle-like embellishments to create a style perfect for a winter's ball or just when you want to feel glamorous.

Windblown hair is one of my favourite looks. Its perfect for pictures and stunning on the runway. Add Irina to your collection now!

The next three hairs are from Tameless.

Violet is a mesh style with a ponytail sweeping over the right shoulder and hanging down. It comes in three colour packs - Naturals, Fantasy and Fades.

Want a sexy tousled hair? Then Ruby is for you. This sassy style has flyaway flexi parts for that "just been pushed up against the wall and had his fingers twisting in my hair as he kissed me like there was no tomorrow" look.  It comes in Naturals and Fantasy packs.

Lois is a retro 50s housewife mesh style with big curls held up off the head by a colour changing band with bow.  It comes in Naturals and Fantasy colour packs.

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