
Tyne From Amacci

by - Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Amacci has just released Tyne, their gorgeous Skin Fair skin in the mainstore and if you missed it there, you need to run on in and demo it now!

Available in 12 stunning makeups, they come seperately (including the clear skin) and in fatpack with all the gorgeous makeups!

Also included in each pack is cleavage tattoos (including flat and femboy), lighter brows, brow shapes and...

...10 yummy lipstick layers so you can mix up your looks and makeups.

If you are in the Amacci group or subscribo, then look for the gorgeous Tyne gift in Cream and Nutmeg tones and a special Cherry makeup.  And if you like the eyes I used in this post, they are the new Zenith Mesh Eyes!  They are stunning and you are sure to love them!

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